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Easy global recipes | The Hobby Chef Bloke

A lifelong foodie, The Hobby Chef is my attempt to "give back" with easy recipes for regional cuisine from all around the world learned on my travels or taught to me by my father.


After years trying to maintain version control of PDFs and searching through seemingly endless emails to find recipes sent to one friend requested by another, it struck me that it was more efficient to collate it in one place. So I'm embarking on putting it together in an easy-to-use website. 

On my mind

Easy recipes from around the world

Recently, during another half-arsed attempt at getting rid of stuff I don't need, I came across some of my father's old journals and notebooks that he gave to me, including his notebooks of the recipes and cooking tricks he learned in Asia in the 1960s. 

Building blocks

Easy hacks for all those cooking terms

This is all about the basics; the cooking terms you've heard of but were too afraid to ask. They're easier than you might think. And you can readily adapt them to create recipes to your own liking.

Dish du jour

Never on a Sunday roast lamb

This week's recipe ('cos "jour" is French for "week", right?) hot off the hob or an old favourite that works perfectly at this time of year. Timely tips for what works in the kitchen right now.

On the road

Places around the world where you want to eat

Pretty much says it all. Great food experienced food as part of a greater travel picture. Savoured memories or more recently discovered culinary pleasures, it's less about fancy eateries but delicious food in all its guises...

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