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Still sparkling

A few years ago Karel Doms organised the most wonderful New Year's Eve blind tasting in Antwerp. Those gathered were lucky enough to try out what he considered among the best affordable sparkling wines at under €25.

Okay, so maybe he cheated a little with those suppliers with whom he has a direct relationship...some might have actually retailed at a little over €25 at the time. But, these sparkling wines were tasted under strict "blind" conditions with all identifications concealed.

Even better given the occasion, it was with close friends; my partner Luc, Karel's brother, the writer Brian Fillis and artist Claire de Jong. A jolly piss-up, certainly, but also a tough task to get to our individual scoring and navigating the subsequent lively debate, all without knowing anything about the wines in question other than what they delivered in tasting.

If there was anything that was surprising it was how united we were for the unexpected joys of Reichsrat von Buhl Reserve Brut, its particular notes of warmed slate and deep rock salt-lick palate.

After that is was pretty much a divergence of opinions with some fancying the more classical stylings of Loimer Extra Brut or even Duval-Leroy Brut Champagne. Needless to say I personally cashed out, after the amazing Von Buhl, at the Pignier Crémant du Jura Brut. Sure, not to everyone's taste, but certainly to mine.

Despite being a slightly hungover New Year, it was nonetheless one of my most memorable in living memory.


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