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Our Friends in the North

Towards the end of 2018, I found myself in Vitoria-Gasteiz after a few busy but enjoyable days in Vigo and Bilbao (thanks for asking, but don't ask) and availed myself of the local opportunities of the gastronomic variety.

As with many other places, finding myself in Vitoria-Gasteiz was a mixed blessing; balancing the possibility of fading into the background and experiencing a relatively unknown place as a complete stranger with all the freedoms that entails, but equally displeased with not being able to share it with friends.

Now I really do not need to reiterate how much of a sucker I am for tapas culture. Or, as they generally call the same thing in this region of Europe, pintxos. So, in the madcap time I spent in the region, I really didn't go short of bite-sized gastronomic joy. More accurately, I pigged out on little plates that were supposed to have been shared with others. Do I look like I feel guilty?

While I spent my daytime hours trudging the city's stylish produce markets (again, don't ask) I lost no time in savouring the many delights available in its bars and cafés in the evenings.

Among the many joys were tuna salads of impeccable purity and delicious croquetas, including those made with my favourite arròs negre (black rice).

Wherever I went on those days in Vitoria-Gasteiz, I never felt lost. Nor should you if you ever venture there. Head strait for Zabala and order one of their fine dishes, preferably complemented by one of their astounding regional wines you're unlikely to find outside of Spain unless you try very hard.


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